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nieuwe datum - Congress Process Safety
The seminar improves the process safety culture by networking and sharing of information. It is organised for the technical safety specialists and managers of companies that deal with hazardous chemical processes.

Mike Johnson is sr. consultant & VP at DNVGL with over 40 years experience. He is an expert on vapour cloud explosions and studied the Jaipur & Buncefield incidents, resulting in interesting views.
Adam Higginbotham is a writer (US) and investigated the Chernobyl incident. He personally spoke with the key people involved in the incident resulting in a most impressive story on the insights of worlds largest industrial disaster.
Victor Roggeveen experienced oil & gas since the seventies, established a risk management agency and recently obtained a PhD on the topic to be presented: The influence of leaders behaviour on safety performance.

Het PS Congres is verplaatst van 15 mei naar 15 september vanwege de coronacrisis.
Locatie Dordrecht
Organisator: PS Congres
Kosten: van € 220 tot € 310
Hobéon SKO: 1